SKOS support for ICONCLASS

One of the items on my TO-DO list (since early 2007 or thereabouts)  has been to add SKOS output support to our ICONCLASS server. This idea was first mentioned in meetings with the STITCH project as they are also interested in ICONCLASS.

Now after many other diversions and projects clamouring for attention, I am happy to report that there is now SKOS support. It is in testing mode, I am still ironing out the wrinkles, but it is functional and in my opinion already quite useful. The endpoint is not public at this point in time, we have to figure out how to make sure our poor little server does not expire under load, and how to fund these efforts. I am not getting paid to work on ICONCLASS my time is ‘stolen’ from other projects because we are avid users ourselves.

That being said, if you are interested in kicking the tyres please let me know and I can forward some details.

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2 Comments on “SKOS support for ICONCLASS”

  1. Actually, we are very interested in SKOS support for Iconclass. If you would be so kind as to mail me? Greetings, Florian.

  2. Hi Etienne,

    wij (jasper en ik) zijn ook erg geinteresserd in Iconclass en Skos voor de nieuwe versie van de Mnemosyne atlas die we op willen publiceren. We doen graag een deel van het werk:-)



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